Old Crown Vs. New Same Day Crown Comparison
Old Crown Vs. New Same Day Crown Comparison
Here is an interesting case recently completed. It is a good example of the esthetic quality of the new crown materials. The smaller tooth in front is a bicuspid and it has a twenty year old porcelain fused to metal crown. The molar behind it is of a porcelain material called Celtra Duo and consists of modified Zirconium and Lithium Disilicate. The esthetics of this material are incredible and the hardness is similar to human enamel.
The older porcelain fused to metal crown has a metal substructure for strength and porcelain over it. This is why these crowns don’t look very lifelike. The metal is very hard to block out and when used on a front tooth the edge of the crown had to be below the gumline which is not as healthy as having the edge at or above the gumline. Many of you have probably seen or may even have older crowns that show a black line near the gum.
This new Celtra crown was designed, milled and fired within 1 hour and 15 mins. One visit!
No messy, gagging impressions, no temporary to fall off over the weekend, no second visit. And best of all… the price is the same or even less in some cases than what other dentists are charging for older technology.
So if you have older crowns that are due for replacement, or need a smile improvement, give my office a call and schedule a free evaluation appointment.
Dr. Bowen