Mini-Implants Stabilize Loose Dentures
San Antonio Denture Wearers Benefit from Mini Implants from Dr. Gregory R. Bowen
Do you wear dentures? If you do, then you probably know how annoying and embarrassing loose dentures can be.
For decades San Antonio denture wearers have had to put up with loose dentures, painful gums and messy creams. Patients often report difficulty eating and talking with dentures, and loose dentures, particularly lower dentures, are especially problematic.
In fact, fear of loose dentures are the primary reason people avoid getting much-needed dentures. Many men and women are stuck with images of elderly relatives who wore more primative dentures that wobbled, clicked and often fell out when they talked!
Dentures can be critical to men and women who have lost teeth. When other dental options are not available, or cannot be afforded, dentures can be an excellent solution.
We now have solutions you’ll love. Dr. Gregory R. Bowen offers new mini dental implants designed especially for San Antonio denture wearers.
Mini Implants Now Available in San Antonio
Now there is a modern solution for the age-old problem of loose and shifting dentures – 3M’s mini implants. These small diameter implants are ideal for denture applications, can be placed in less than two hours, This new implant technology makes mini dental implants much cheaper than full size implants used to secure individual teeth or bridges.
Placement of four of these mini implants is quick, San Antonio, and allows you in most cases to have a lower or upper denture that snaps into place in less than two hours. Your existing denture in most cases can be retrofitted with the attachments that engage the implant head, four of these for the price of one full size implant.
Dental implants are excellent, state-of-the-art restorations and have few disadvantages. They are far superior to old fashioned
If your thinking about implants, and you have dentures, consider the Mini implant system offered at Dr. Gregory R. Bowen’s San Antonio dental office.
Dr. Bowen Answers Your Questions About Mini Dental Implants (MDI)
Dr. Bowen may choose to place another MDI in another site.
The ACCESS TM toothbrush is recommended for brushing and cleaning the implants and O-rings. In addition, ultrasonic cleaners are ideal for ensuring that the metal housings are free from food impaction and debris.
Either mouthwash or 50-50 peroxide-water mixes are good solutions for the ultrasonic cleaner. You can also use a Waterpik (R) to rins out the implants and O-rings. Do not use effervescent cleaners, as they might cause the O-rings to deteriorate.
If the dentures do not remain securely in place, contact Dr. Bowen to discuss your problems. Dr. Bowen will perform the appropriate checkup and determine the condition and maintenance of your gums, the implants, and the O-rings.
Always remember that the implants and the dentures must be absolutely clean. You might need to use a lighter touch to rest each implant over its corresponding socket. When you push down on both sides of the denture, make sure you do so equally. If you still have difficulty, you may need another person, like a spouse or family member, to help you get the feel for placing the denture.
Place your thumbs under each side of the lower denture rim.
Push both sides up at the same time. You can also use your tongue to assist in the removal.
Rinse your mouth with an antiseptic mouthwash.
3MTM MDI Mini Dental Implants also recommends usng an ACCESS TM toothbrush, which has been specifically designed to clean your implants while gently stimulating the surrounding gum tissue.
MDI mini dental implants can be placed, and your denture fitted, in about 1 1/2 to 2 hours.